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Travel info

Passengers are obliged to have their tickets or on – line reservation and a valid travel document (passport, identity card)

Boarding in Italy:

Departure place in Venice is Stazione maritimma di San Basilio
Time of departure for Umag and Piran is 5:15 p.m. Passengers must be in the harbour 1 hour before the departure (4:15 p.m.).
Time of departure for Pula, Rovinj and Poreč is 4:30 p.m. Passengers must be in the harbour 1 hour before the departure (3:30 p.m.).

Boarding in Croatia:

Departure place in PulaRovinjPoreč and Umag.
Passengers must be in the harbour 30 min before the departure.

Boarding in Slovenia: 

Departure place in Piran. Passengers must be in the harbour 30 min before the departure.